
How Do I Clean My Glass Coffee Pot

Causative form в английском языке представлена следующими конструкциями

  • have something done (дословно – иметь что-то сделанным для себя же)
  • accept someone do something (заставить кого-то что-то сделать для вас)


Мы используем выражение accept + object + past participle (have something done) чтобы описать услугу, которую нам оказали, или какое-то неприятное событие, которое с нами произошло в тех случаях, когда действие производим не мы, но направленно оно на нас или на нашу собственность.


I had my automobile stolen – У меня украли машину.

We had the roof repaired last year. – Нам починили крышу в прошлом году.

Не has had his awarding turned down – Eго заявление отклонили.

My girlfriend has her letter published in the Times – Письмо моей девушки напечатали в Таймс.

В качестве подлежащего в таком предложении будет выступать человек, на которого направленно действие, либо лицо, на чью собственность направлено действие. Такая конструкция в английском языке используется довольно часто.

Обратите внимание, в устной речи выражение часто употребляется с get вместо have без изменения в значении.

We take our argue pulled downward = We become our fence pulled downwardly.

Как использовать выражение have something done?

Causative form have something done можно использовать в любом времени. При этом меняется только глагол to have. Давайте рассмотрим на примере предложения We have the office cleaned (В нашем офисе провели уборку)

Present Simple

We take the role cleaned

Past  Simple

We had the office cleaned

Hereafter Simple

Nosotros volition take the part cleaned

Present Continuous

We are having the office cleaned

Past  Continuous

We were having the office cleaned

Future Continuous

Nosotros will exist having the office cleaned

Present Perfect

Nosotros take had the part cleaned

Past  Perfect

We had had the function cleaned

Future Perfect

Nosotros volition have had the office cleaned

Present Perfect Continuous

We take been having the role cleaned

By  Perfect Continuous

We had been having the office cleaned

Time to come Perfect Continuous

Nosotros will accept been having the part cleaned

Конечно, все формы Perfect Continuous и форма Future Perfect практически не используются в устной речи, так как слишком перегружены вспомогательными глаголами.


Вторая возможная форма Causative – accept someone do something. Это выражение более характерно для американского, нежели для британского английского. Оно означает, что вы заставили / попросили кого-либо что-то для вас сделать.


I will accept the waiter bring y'all the card. – Я попрошу официанта принести тебе меню.

I had my banana type the report. – Я попросил помощника напечатать отчет.

В Британии вместо have часто говорят get, как и в случае с выражением take / get something done. Однако, при использовании get, выражение будет вида get someone to exercise something (появляется частица to).

I volition get the waiter to bring you the carte du jour.

I got my assistant to type the report.

Таким образом, causative в английском языке представлен следующими конструкциями:

  • Have something done

  • Get something done

  • Have someone do something

  • Get someone to practise something.

causative forms

Упражнения на Causative course с ответами.

Давайте немного попрактикуемся.

Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences using the right form of "to take something done"

  1. The Smiths ___________ the roof _______________ last year. (repair)
  2. Molly ______________ the room ____________________ side by side calendar month. (decorate)
  3. You should ___________ your eyes ___________ regularly. (examination)
  4. We ___________ the tv set _________________ only last year! (repair)
  5. ________ you ____________ your car ______________ regularly?   (service)
  6. How often ___________ you _____________ your windows _____________? (clean)
  7. We _________________ the role _________________ every evening. (clean)
  8. Our neighbors __________________ a new garage ______________ at the moment (build)

Упражнение 2. Write downwardly the sentences using the right causative course. Apply a modal verb where advisable.

  1. Bob must/ really / the heating / ready. Winter is coming shortly.
  2. She / her hair / dye blonde yesterday.
  3. They / the rooms / paint at the moment.
  4. Later on Alex / the sleeves / shorten, the blazer fit him perfectly.
  5. Instead of buying a new automobile, why / you / not / your one-time one / fix / ?
  6. What are those workmen doing in your garden? – Oh, we / a garage / build
  7. They / not / their Telly / fix / yet
  8. Her coffee maker was broken. Now it'due south working once again. She / it /repair

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using Have SOMETHING Washed

  1. Someone cut Kate'south pilus at xiii.thirty pm.

Kate ……………………………………………………

  1. The mechanic is changing Peter'south car bombardment.

                Peter ………………………………………………...

  1. The barber dyed my female parent'southward hair last Saturday.

                My mother  ………………………………………...

  1. Someone checks Henry'southward guitar subsequently every bear witness.

                Henry ……………………………………………………

  1. The dentist checks my teeth once a year.

                I ……………………………………………………………………

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using Take SOMEBODY Do SOMETHING

  1. The mechanic changes Peter's car battery yearly.

                Peter ………………………………………………...

  1. The barber dyed my mother's hair last Saturday.

                My mother  ………………………………………...

  1. The assistant checks Henry's guitar after every show.

                Henry ……………………………………………………

  1. The dentist checks my teeth once a year.

                I ……………………………………………………………………


Exercise ane.

  1. The Smiths had the roof repaired last year.
  2. Molly is going to have/is having the room decorated next month.
  3. Yous should have your eyes tested regularly.
  4. We had the television set repaired only final year!
  5. Do you have your motorcar serviced regularly?
  6. How frequently practice you lot have your windows cleaned?
  7. Nosotros have the office cleaned every evening.
  8. Our neighbors are having a new garage congenital at the moment.

Exercise ii.

  1. Bob actually must accept the heating fixed.
  2. She had her hair dyed blonde yesterday
  3. They are having the rooms painted at the moment
  4. Afterward Alex had had the sleeves shortened, the blazer fit him perfectly.
  5. Instead of buying a new car, why don't you accept your old one fixed?
  6. We are having a garage built.
  7. They have not had their TV fixed yet.

Exercise 3.

  1. Kate had her hair cut at 13.30 pm.
  2. Peter is having his car bombardment changed.
  3. My female parent had her hair dyed concluding Sabbatum.
  4. Henry has his guitar checked after every evidence.
  5. I have my teeth checked once a twelvemonth.

Exercise iv.

  1. Peter has the mechanic change his car battery yearly.
  2. My mother had the hairdresser dye her pilus last Saturday.
  3. Henry has his banana check his guitar afterwards every show.
  4. I have the dentist check my teeth once a year.

Надеюсь, правила и упражнения помогли Вам разобраться в теме causative forms.

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